By three in the afternoon, they had divided themselves in half hour shifts as voices were beginning to be strained and the scampering from front to back of the house was exhausting.

All were horrified that the dog door was on lockdown and they could only go into the yard when Steve went out and supervised. The song of the white blizzard in a half circle around the closed door was loud and lamenting.
White Dog Ranch is having some painting and minor repair work done...namely, the deck in the yard will be powerwashed and restained; the front sun room floor refinished; and various outside window frames scraped and repainted. The Army sees no need for any of this and especially not for the need to have strangers climb ladders so that they can peer directly into our windows.
Extra treats and herbal calming tablets only provided minimal stress relief. Hopefully familiarity will soothe the response since the work will continue through Friday.
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