This coyote walked down the road right near us, just strolling along - at 12:30 in the afternoon. I was surprised to see him at that time of day, and when a car drove past on the road, he just stood there and looked at it. Wasn't at all worried. He looks pretty healthy.

This was a shot of the full moon rising over the aspen glow on the eastern mountains behind us.
One of our hummers in the campsite:
Did this Hummingbird hear about the "hands up, don't shoot" protesters?
I loved this cactus and took lots of photos of it.
Here it is at sunset:
This is Sasha, Sue and Brian's dog. She's such a sweet dog, and Katie really liked her.
Pretty Quartzsite sunset:
Well, you all know why we have wheels on our homes, right? So we can move on down the road whenever we want. As much as I like Quartzsite, it was constantly cold and mostly cloudy the 5+ weeks we were there. When we first got there it was nice, but once it turned cold and cloudy, it seemed to go on forever. I remember two years ago it was like that, and I finally moved south. I did it again Friday.
On Thursday I let Brian know I was leaving and he came over at 8 am Friday morning and un-tilted my solar panels so I could drive on the 95 freeway. Thanks, Brian!
We are now at Imperial Dam LTVA - it's actually on the California side of the CA/AZ border, but this area still has Mountain Time. It's warmer here, and will be for weeks and weeks. I may or may not return to Quartzsite - depending on whether I feel like moving again.
This is where the wild burros are that Katie and I loved so much in 2012. I don't often repeat photos, but couldn't resist showing you these again. Do you remember them?
They were so much fun to watch! We've come through this way since then, but haven't stayed long enough to see them. This time I plan to stay longer and get lots of great burro photos. I hope.
This morning when we took our walk, there was a line of lots and lots of hoof prints going right by The Palms. According to my neighbor, they pass this way every morning while it's still dark, and then retrace their steps in the evening. I think they are headed to the canals below us. Yes, we have a view of the water. I wasn't expecting to get one of these water view sites coming this late. They are usually taken early in the season and it's almost the end of December, so I was surprised to see some empty. The last two times I was here it was pretty crowded and these were taken, but this time we lucked out. (Its actually not a really pretty site, but I prefer it to the inside sites with trees and bushes. From here I can see the road and the water, and when the burros are walking down the road I can see them.)
The Yuma Proving Grounds down the road are doing a lot of warfare practice - there's a lot of "BOOM" stuff going on. Some of them shake The Palms.
Welcome to our newest Follwers, Tom and Deb Duchaine! Katie and I are happy to have you following along with us - Welcome Aboard! :)
From me and Katie, have a great Sunday, everyone! :)
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